lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

More activities related to RELATIVE CLAUSES

Explicación y actividades para hacer Relative Clauses en el siguiente enlace

El primer trozo son explicaciones y al final hay muchos ejercicios donde practicar.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

1º BACHILLERATO: Exam Content

  • Present continuous/ simple
  • Past simple/ continuous
  • Present perfect/ Past perfect with Time Expressions
  • Gerunds & Infinitives
  • Modal verbs of ability
  • Used to/ get used to/ be used to/ would
  • Relative Clauses (defining & non-defining)
  • False Friends (seen in the units and half of the final list of the workbook p.135)
  • Vocabulary: everything up to unit 2(This includes all the words in pages 130, 131 from the workbook) 
READING: A text written for intermediate students

Either a NARRATIVE (pages 28,29 + Look at pages 118 & 119 from the Workbook. VERY USEFUL)

Or a DESCRIPTION (pages 18, 19 + Look at pages 116 & 117 from the Workbook. VERY USEFUL)

I think that's it, Good luck!

If you have any questions, please, ask them either through the blog, Tuenti, or Twitter to @Sir_DavCruz

2nd Bachillerato TEST content

READING (Level intermediate)

WRITING: An opinion essay (either related to the environment, to modern technologies, to the
life of teenagers, or to modern life)


· Present Simple & Continuous

·Present Perfect/ present perfect continuous

· Past: Simple, continuous, perfect simple, perfect continuous

· Conditionals

· Wishes and Regrets

· Reported Speech: Statements, questions, orders, request, suggestions, time, place

· So/that; such/that; too/not… enough

· Reporting Verbs

Vocabulary and Word Formartion

· Vocabulary (book): Units starter, 1, 2. Page 36 & 37

· Word Formation: Up to page 37; Booklet p.13

· Vocabulary (Booklet): 3, 4, 5

Any further question or suggestion? Please ask me as soon as possible.

2º Bachillerato: Solutions to reported speech activities

HOw are things going? too stressed? I'll post dome tricks to follow before exams afterwards. But no, let us deal with the key to the activities you were given. Hope they went just fine.

1º Bachillerato: Understanding the Relative Clause

Hi guys,
Here I'm posting a summary related to the relative clauses. Have a look at it, it's fairly easy, I hope it won't drive you up the wall.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

1º Bachillerato: Relative Clauses

Les pongo un enlace de la página donde saqué los ejercicios para que puedan imprimirla/corregirla sin problemas. Cualquier tipo de duda, por favor, déjenmela escrita por aquí.

2º Bachillerato: Wish/ if only activities

2nd Part: Wish/If only
1. Wishes about the present use a past tense form, and wishes about the
past use a past perfect form
 2. Wishes with would refer either to annoying habits or to something we
would like to happen.
 3. Past tense forms are used after It’s time and I’d rather to show a real
   It’s time we left.
 4. I hope....can be used in a similar way to I wish….But I hope is used  only for wishes that are actually  possible, and it usually has a good meaning.
            I hope you have a good time.
            There’s a lot to see. I hope you won’t be late.

Wish cannot be used in this way.
I hope…..can be used with the infinitive.
             I hope to see you next week.

But I wish with the infinitive has a different meaning. It is a formal way of saying I’d like to (or I want to)
              I wish to interview you for the job next week.

Note also these expressions:
              I wish you luck/success in your new job.
             We wish you a happy New Year
1 Underline the most suitable verb form un each sentence.
a) I wish Peter doesn’t live/didn’t live/wouldn’t live so far way from the town centre. We’ll have to take a taxi.
b) I feel rather cold. I wish I brought/had brought my pullover with me.
c) What a pity. I wish we don’t have to/didn’t have to/wouldn’t have to leave.
d) I wish you tell/told/had told me about the test. I haven’t done any revision.
e) I wish the people next door hadn’t made/wouldn’t make/couldn’t make so much noise. I can’t hear myself think!
f) Darling, I love you so much! I wish we are/had been/would be/could be together always!
g) I’m sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come/came/had come/would come.
h) I like my new boss but I wish she gave/would give/could give me some more responsibility. (?)
i) Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you are/were/had been here.
j) This car was a complete waste of money. I wish I didn’t buy/hadn’t bought it.

3 Underline the most suitable verb form im each sentence.
a) A cheque is all right, but I’d rather you pay/paid me cash.
b) Imagine you live/lived in New York. How would you feel?
c) If only I have/had/would have a screwdriver with me.
d) If you want to catch the last train, it’s time you leave/left.
e) I’d rather you don’t/didn’t tell anyone about our conversation.

Actividad resuelta: Conditionals 2º de Bachillerato

If you want to practice some more or learn some further explanation:
click here 
or here
1st Part
1. I would have gone to Helen's party if she had invited me.
2. If it doesn't rain, we'll go to the beach.
3. If Ann had enough money, she could/would buy a new car.
4. You can´t get access to the Intranet unless you have a password.
5. If she had some friends, she wouldn't feel lonely
6. If his car hadn't broken down, Carlos Sainz could have won...
7. Jim wouldn't have missed the plane, if he would have arrived earlier.
8. If I had a modem, I would be able to e-mail you.
9. If I had known their new address, I would hace sent them a postcard.
10. If I had enough money, I would buy a bigger flat.
11. I would have been to the meeting on time if my car wouldn't have broken down.
12. I would travel by plane if I didn't get ear ache.
13. Unless you go with me I won't go to the party.
14. If the restaurant hadn't been full, we could have got a table.
15. If I weren't too busy I would go to the pub.
16. If you heat it, ice melts down.
17. We would've seen the two towers if the cinema hadn't been closed.
18. If you explained the situation to her, she would understand it.
19. Unless your work improves, you won't get a promotion.
20. If I eat octopus I get sick.
21. If you had phoned us we would have picked you up.
22. The government will win the elections if they create employment.
23. She would have bought that picture if she had had enough money.
24. She would buy the picture if she had enough money.
25. If I make a promise I keep it.
26. If we had some matches we could light a fire.
27. I would've renewed my subscription if I hadn't lost interest in the magazine's articles.
28. If he hadn't been so slow he would have won the race.
29. If he weren't so slow he would win the race.
30. I will go to Rio if I find a cheap flight.
31. If I subathe I get sunburnt easily.
32. He would come for a drink if he hadn't got work to do.
33. If she weren't so young she could get a driving licence.
35. If PEter and I meet, we talk about the good old times.

2º BACHILLERATO: Word Formation activity

En este enlace está la copia original

1st Group: Noun suffixes
Addition           Permission 
Admiration       Refreshment
Amusement       Shopping
Appearance      Solution
Application       Tiredness
argument           Training/ trainer/ trainee
Assistance       Translation
Astonishment       Warning
Calculation       Performance
Collection       Exam/ examination/ examiner/ examinee
encouragement      tranin/trainer/trainee
Entrance       Painting/ painter
Excitement       Motherhood
Fitness       Comedian
Importance       Artist
Impression        Scientist
Interference       Membership
Player       Meaning
Romanticism/romantic       Extravagance
Student       Resistance
Understanding       Observation

2nd Group: Verb suffixes
Brighten      modernise
generalise      shorten
beautify      simplify
standardise       sharpen

3rd Group: Adjectives suffixes
Economical       accidental
possible      greenish
helpful/ helpless       colourful/colourless
physical       useful/useless
friendly/ friendless       thirsty
religious       reddish
salty       Attractive
Cloudy        Environmental
convertive      ambitious

4th Group: Adverb suffixes
Nervously      badly
upwards      beautifully 
quickly      backwards

5th Group: Negatives
Dislike       unusual
Uncertain      Irrelevant
uncomfortable      invisible
Untidy      Unclear
Dissatisfied      Incorrect
Unnecessary      Unfriendly
Impatient       Unhappy
Impolite      Disobedient

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

FIRST BACHILLERATO: Key to Unit 1 Grammar Plus

1. Were waiting
2. Was Standing
3. asked
4 didn't say
5. went
6. looked
7. noticed
8. was watching
9. came
10. seemed
11. gave
12. Rang

1. Javir broke his arm when/while he was skiing in Andorra.
2. Frank came to our house when/while we were having dinner.
3. I saw an accident when/while I was walking to school this morning.
5. I fell asleep when/while I was watching TV.
6. Enrique went home early because he wasn't feeling very well.

1.- used to
2. both
3. used to

1. When we were kids we used to have a dog
2. I used to do my homework in the library but now I do it at home
3.Did you use to live in Asturias before you came here?
4. Yesterday I got up at 6.30.
5. Correct
6. He fell asleep while he was reading his book.

1. B; 2.C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. B; 6.A

The following links will lead you to very appropriate explanations of the differences between used to/be used to/ get used to AND to several activities which you may find very useful.

Present Simple and present continuous:

Gerunds and Infinitives:

Past simple and Past continuous:

If you have any doubt or question, please comment it here and share it with the rest of the class.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Hi there, have you found any problems yet? Hopefully not so many!
What was intended with these activities was to practice different alternatives. Some exercises were mainly focused on too/enough and others on such...that/so...that. Read carefully the headings (titles) that I've added to the activities here in the blog and rethink what you had previously written. If you think you should start them again, DO IT! It's better to do everything twice and correct than the opposite. Any questions or suggestions, I would be very pleased to answer them through the link named "comentarios." Good luck!
But first, here you have something to read.
Las partículas so/such ... that se utilizan para hacer oraciones con el significado de tan/tanto...que

SO se emplea con adjetivos (donde se incluyen much,many,little y few + sustantivos) y advebios. 

Por otra parte SUCH se emplea con sustantivos (se pondrá SUCH A/AN si el sustantivo es contable singular y SUCH solamente si el sustantivo es incontable o plural):

                        It was so cold that the river froze.
                        There were so many people that we could´t see.
                        He is such a fool that he doesn´t understand anything.
                        It was such a hot day that I took off my shirt.

Vídeo que explica la diferencia entre so... that y such... that (no los conozco, lo prometo!):


Fill in the blanks with TOO or ENOUGH

1. I don't have enough money to go to the concert.
2. enough
3. too
4. enough
5. enough
6. enough
7. enough
8. enough
9. too
10. too
11. enough
12 too
13. enough
14. enough
15. enough (I guess it wasn't that funny after all)


(En este ejercicio no había que meter el such ni el so)
Key to "Rewrite each sentence keeping the meaning the same" (fotocopia)
1. The shirt is too small (for me) to wear.
2. This flat isn’t big enough (for my parents) to live in.
3. The road is too wet to control the car easily.
4. The bird is too weak / isn’t strong enough to fly.
5. My sister is too busy to come to the cinema with us.
6. The watch was too expensive for him to buy.
7. These sandals are not big enough to fit me.
8. This film is too boring to watch.
9. I was too tired to keep my eyes open.
10. The coffee was too strong (for her) to drink.
11. The boys are not old enough to watch that film.
12. Alex was too shocked to say a word.
13. Sinan is not tall enough to be a basketball player.
14. Carlso is too excited to sleep.
15. The room is too hot to sit comfortably.

So/Such ( III )
1. so
2. such
3. such
4. such
5. so
6. so
7. such
8. so
9. such
10. so
11. so
12. such
13. so
14 so
15. such a



Rewrite Sentences Using So…that

Rewrite the following sentences using so…that.
1.    He is too proud to admit his mistake.
2.    The bag is too heavy for me to lift.
3.    He is too weak to walk.
4.    This news is too good to be true.
5.    He is too young to travel alone.
6.    He was too late to catch the train.
7.    The case is too urgent to be postponed.
8.    He is too short to be a good basketball player.
9.    It is too late for us to start a new lesson.
10.    He is too young to understand the consequences of his action.
11.    It is too early to predict the outcome.
12.    He is too simple-minded to be a successful businessman.

1.    He is so proud that he will not admit his mistake.
2.    The bag is so heavy that I cannot lift it.
3.    He is so weak that he cannot walk.
4.    This news is so good that it cannot be true.
5.    He is so young that he cannot travel alone.
6.    He was so late that he could not catch the train.
7.    The case is so urgent that it cannot be postponed.
8.    He is so short that he can’t be a good basketball player.
9.    It is so late that we cannot start a new lesson.
10.    He is so young that he cannot understand the consequences of his action.
11.    It is so early that the outcome cannot be predicted.
12.    He is so simple-minded that he cannot be a successful businessman.

Change the sentences but the meaning must remain the same. (with SO or SUCH or
1 – The weather was so hot !  It was  _______________________  . 
2 – It was such a windy day! The day was   _______________________  .  
3 – The exercise was so difficult. It was   __________________________  . 
4 – Their car was such an expensive one. Their car was   ________________________  .

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

2ºBach - Answers to PRESENT Perfect Simple/ PRESENT Perfect Continuous


1. We've (or we have) sold much more than we expected.
2. How much money have you spent this week?
3. How many people has Jane invited to her party?

1. It has been raining for hours.
2. They have been drilling holes in the wall all morning.
3. How long have you been sitting here?

1. been standing?; been queuing.
2. had; broken
3. left; been sitting; noticed

1. I've been sitting here for ten hours.
2. They've known each other since they were five.
3. Have you stayed up all night?
4. He has drunk all the milk!
5. She hasn't talked since she arrived.
6. Have you forgotten your keys again?
7. Has she been cooking and burnt her hand?
8 How long have you been standing behind me?

2ºBach - Answers to Past Perfect Simple/ Past Perfect Continuous

Hey guys, I really hope you're studying hard so as to achieve the best possible results. The following links might perfectly be very useful to practise the tense presented.

These are the solutions to page 23.

1. He had never ridden a horse before that
2. He had already run five marathons/ in a marathon five times before that.
3. She had never written a poem before that.
4. She had never appeared on TV.
5. He had already played tennis at Wimbledon four times.

1. Jim had finished the work
2. I had been reading a book.
3. Alice and Jack had had lunch.
4. Ian had prepared the supper.
5. The thieves had been spending the money.

1. had just gone out
2. had been to Cambridge.
3. had been making sandwiches.
4. had met her in Amsterdam.
5. had been practising karate from the age of 5.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Forming Questions (1st ESO)

These are some extra activities related to the formation of questions. Please complete them for our following class.

1) John is writing a letter.
2) She walks home from school.
3) The children are sitting in the garden.
4) Peter runs with his dog on Sundays.
5) My rabbit has a cage in the garden.
6) They go to work by bus.
7) David likes cats because they are nice.
8) Jenny isn't sleeping late today.
9) We are going to the cinema.
10) I'm leaving now.