viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Hi there, have you found any problems yet? Hopefully not so many!
What was intended with these activities was to practice different alternatives. Some exercises were mainly focused on too/enough and others on such...that/so...that. Read carefully the headings (titles) that I've added to the activities here in the blog and rethink what you had previously written. If you think you should start them again, DO IT! It's better to do everything twice and correct than the opposite. Any questions or suggestions, I would be very pleased to answer them through the link named "comentarios." Good luck!
But first, here you have something to read.
Las partículas so/such ... that se utilizan para hacer oraciones con el significado de tan/tanto...que

SO se emplea con adjetivos (donde se incluyen much,many,little y few + sustantivos) y advebios. 

Por otra parte SUCH se emplea con sustantivos (se pondrá SUCH A/AN si el sustantivo es contable singular y SUCH solamente si el sustantivo es incontable o plural):

                        It was so cold that the river froze.
                        There were so many people that we could´t see.
                        He is such a fool that he doesn´t understand anything.
                        It was such a hot day that I took off my shirt.

Vídeo que explica la diferencia entre so... that y such... that (no los conozco, lo prometo!):


Fill in the blanks with TOO or ENOUGH

1. I don't have enough money to go to the concert.
2. enough
3. too
4. enough
5. enough
6. enough
7. enough
8. enough
9. too
10. too
11. enough
12 too
13. enough
14. enough
15. enough (I guess it wasn't that funny after all)


(En este ejercicio no había que meter el such ni el so)
Key to "Rewrite each sentence keeping the meaning the same" (fotocopia)
1. The shirt is too small (for me) to wear.
2. This flat isn’t big enough (for my parents) to live in.
3. The road is too wet to control the car easily.
4. The bird is too weak / isn’t strong enough to fly.
5. My sister is too busy to come to the cinema with us.
6. The watch was too expensive for him to buy.
7. These sandals are not big enough to fit me.
8. This film is too boring to watch.
9. I was too tired to keep my eyes open.
10. The coffee was too strong (for her) to drink.
11. The boys are not old enough to watch that film.
12. Alex was too shocked to say a word.
13. Sinan is not tall enough to be a basketball player.
14. Carlso is too excited to sleep.
15. The room is too hot to sit comfortably.

So/Such ( III )
1. so
2. such
3. such
4. such
5. so
6. so
7. such
8. so
9. such
10. so
11. so
12. such
13. so
14 so
15. such a



Rewrite Sentences Using So…that

Rewrite the following sentences using so…that.
1.    He is too proud to admit his mistake.
2.    The bag is too heavy for me to lift.
3.    He is too weak to walk.
4.    This news is too good to be true.
5.    He is too young to travel alone.
6.    He was too late to catch the train.
7.    The case is too urgent to be postponed.
8.    He is too short to be a good basketball player.
9.    It is too late for us to start a new lesson.
10.    He is too young to understand the consequences of his action.
11.    It is too early to predict the outcome.
12.    He is too simple-minded to be a successful businessman.

1.    He is so proud that he will not admit his mistake.
2.    The bag is so heavy that I cannot lift it.
3.    He is so weak that he cannot walk.
4.    This news is so good that it cannot be true.
5.    He is so young that he cannot travel alone.
6.    He was so late that he could not catch the train.
7.    The case is so urgent that it cannot be postponed.
8.    He is so short that he can’t be a good basketball player.
9.    It is so late that we cannot start a new lesson.
10.    He is so young that he cannot understand the consequences of his action.
11.    It is so early that the outcome cannot be predicted.
12.    He is so simple-minded that he cannot be a successful businessman.

Change the sentences but the meaning must remain the same. (with SO or SUCH or
1 – The weather was so hot !  It was  _______________________  . 
2 – It was such a windy day! The day was   _______________________  .  
3 – The exercise was so difficult. It was   __________________________  . 
4 – Their car was such an expensive one. Their car was   ________________________  .

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