viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Actividad resuelta: Conditionals 2º de Bachillerato

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1st Part
1. I would have gone to Helen's party if she had invited me.
2. If it doesn't rain, we'll go to the beach.
3. If Ann had enough money, she could/would buy a new car.
4. You can´t get access to the Intranet unless you have a password.
5. If she had some friends, she wouldn't feel lonely
6. If his car hadn't broken down, Carlos Sainz could have won...
7. Jim wouldn't have missed the plane, if he would have arrived earlier.
8. If I had a modem, I would be able to e-mail you.
9. If I had known their new address, I would hace sent them a postcard.
10. If I had enough money, I would buy a bigger flat.
11. I would have been to the meeting on time if my car wouldn't have broken down.
12. I would travel by plane if I didn't get ear ache.
13. Unless you go with me I won't go to the party.
14. If the restaurant hadn't been full, we could have got a table.
15. If I weren't too busy I would go to the pub.
16. If you heat it, ice melts down.
17. We would've seen the two towers if the cinema hadn't been closed.
18. If you explained the situation to her, she would understand it.
19. Unless your work improves, you won't get a promotion.
20. If I eat octopus I get sick.
21. If you had phoned us we would have picked you up.
22. The government will win the elections if they create employment.
23. She would have bought that picture if she had had enough money.
24. She would buy the picture if she had enough money.
25. If I make a promise I keep it.
26. If we had some matches we could light a fire.
27. I would've renewed my subscription if I hadn't lost interest in the magazine's articles.
28. If he hadn't been so slow he would have won the race.
29. If he weren't so slow he would win the race.
30. I will go to Rio if I find a cheap flight.
31. If I subathe I get sunburnt easily.
32. He would come for a drink if he hadn't got work to do.
33. If she weren't so young she could get a driving licence.
35. If PEter and I meet, we talk about the good old times.

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. En respuesta a la pregunta por privado de un alumno:
    En la 12 "I never travel by plane because I get ear ache." La respuesta correcta sería la segunda condicional. Es decir, se podría usar la primera e incluso la tercera condicional (en pasado). Pero lo más acertado sería usar la segunda condicional puesto que la frase indica que si NO viaja es por ESE motivo, por lo que si no existiera ese motivo podría viajar.
    Es una situación hipotética, esa es la clave.

  3. la 30 no puede ser: i wont go to Rioif I dont find a cheap flight? ^^

  4. Sí claro, peor por qué la pones en negativa??
