domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

2nd Bachillerato TEST content

READING (Level intermediate)

WRITING: An opinion essay (either related to the environment, to modern technologies, to the
life of teenagers, or to modern life)


· Present Simple & Continuous

·Present Perfect/ present perfect continuous

· Past: Simple, continuous, perfect simple, perfect continuous

· Conditionals

· Wishes and Regrets

· Reported Speech: Statements, questions, orders, request, suggestions, time, place

· So/that; such/that; too/not… enough

· Reporting Verbs

Vocabulary and Word Formartion

· Vocabulary (book): Units starter, 1, 2. Page 36 & 37

· Word Formation: Up to page 37; Booklet p.13

· Vocabulary (Booklet): 3, 4, 5

Any further question or suggestion? Please ask me as soon as possible.

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