jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

1 ESO: UNIT 4 Workbook correction

La primera página la he escrito yo aquí y el resto son fotografía de la corrección de las actividades de un compañero. ¡Ánimo!
Page 33
1- go
3- does
4- do/walk
5- does/start

1- where
2- how
3- who
4- when
5- what
6- when
7- what

1- where does she live?
2- How do you travel to the city centre?
3- What do they eat for lunch?
4- When do you celebrate your birthday?
4- Who does he visit on Christmas day?
6- Which football team do you like?

1- How do you travel?
2- Who does she like?
3- When does the school start?
4- When is St Patrick's. Day?
5- Where does he go insu mmer?
6- When do you visit her?
7- When do they get up?
8- Which schooldo you go?

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

More activities related to RELATIVE CLAUSES

Explicación y actividades para hacer Relative Clauses en el siguiente enlace


El primer trozo son explicaciones y al final hay muchos ejercicios donde practicar.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

1º BACHILLERATO: Exam Content

  • Present continuous/ simple
  • Past simple/ continuous
  • Present perfect/ Past perfect with Time Expressions
  • Gerunds & Infinitives
  • Modal verbs of ability
  • Used to/ get used to/ be used to/ would
  • Relative Clauses (defining & non-defining)
  • False Friends (seen in the units and half of the final list of the workbook p.135)
  • Vocabulary: everything up to unit 2(This includes all the words in pages 130, 131 from the workbook) 
READING: A text written for intermediate students

Either a NARRATIVE (pages 28,29 + Look at pages 118 & 119 from the Workbook. VERY USEFUL)

Or a DESCRIPTION (pages 18, 19 + Look at pages 116 & 117 from the Workbook. VERY USEFUL)

I think that's it, Good luck!

If you have any questions, please, ask them either through the blog, Tuenti, or Twitter to @Sir_DavCruz

2nd Bachillerato TEST content

READING (Level intermediate)

WRITING: An opinion essay (either related to the environment, to modern technologies, to the
life of teenagers, or to modern life)


· Present Simple & Continuous

·Present Perfect/ present perfect continuous

· Past: Simple, continuous, perfect simple, perfect continuous

· Conditionals

· Wishes and Regrets

· Reported Speech: Statements, questions, orders, request, suggestions, time, place

· So/that; such/that; too/not… enough

· Reporting Verbs

Vocabulary and Word Formartion

· Vocabulary (book): Units starter, 1, 2. Page 36 & 37

· Word Formation: Up to page 37; Booklet p.13

· Vocabulary (Booklet): 3, 4, 5

Any further question or suggestion? Please ask me as soon as possible.

2º Bachillerato: Solutions to reported speech activities

HOw are things going? too stressed? I'll post dome tricks to follow before exams afterwards. But no, let us deal with the key to the activities you were given. Hope they went just fine.

1º Bachillerato: Understanding the Relative Clause

Hi guys,
Here I'm posting a summary related to the relative clauses. Have a look at it, it's fairly easy, I hope it won't drive you up the wall.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

1º Bachillerato: Relative Clauses

Les pongo un enlace de la página donde saqué los ejercicios para que puedan imprimirla/corregirla sin problemas. Cualquier tipo de duda, por favor, déjenmela escrita por aquí.